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Sample Test Plan

1. Introduction

The Test Plan outlines the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of all testing activities. It identifes the items and features to be tested; types of testing. It contains a detailed and executable strategy for conducting. It defnes the detailed testing objective specifc to a particular system, the testing approach, test environment, test conditions, and the test plan.

2. Scope

The scope of this test plan is to ensure websiteX meets all of its technical, functional and
business requirements. The purpose of this document is to describe the overall test plan
and strategy for testing the website. The approach described in this document provides the
framework for all the testing related to website. This document will also be updated as
required with the requirement updates. We also need to make sure that all the expected
results are achieved.

2.1. Out of Scope

3. Test Objectives

The general test objectives are to test the correctness of the generation of the interface data fle, the content of the interface data fle, and any error conditions. The quality objectives of testing the website are to ensure complete validation of the business and software requirements: 

4. Reference Documents


5. Detailed Test Approach

Detialed testing phases and methodologies are mentioned below. We will follow the protocols of each phase and achieve the highest results.

5.1 Requirement Analysis

Requirements analysis is critical to the success or failure of a systems or software project so we have to verify, validate and confrm each requirement. Requirements must be validated on the basis of User Experience, User Interface, How to test the requirements, Requiremnts are up to date.

Make sure the major scenarios and requirements are mentioned in the document. If there is something missing, highlight the missing requiremnts and also suggest improvements if there is any.

Analyze the following Requirements


5.1 Requirement Analysis

Test all the designs and verify all the designs must be correct as per the requirements.
And also make sure the designs for all the specifed languages and dark themes

5.3 Functionality Testing

Test the functional requirements and determine every function of the software is acting in accordance with the pre-determined requirements and tasks. At website, Performed testing of all the links in web pages, checking the database connections, forms used in the web pages for submitting or getting information from user & Cookie testing. Functional testing is extended to the types given below.

5.3.1 Testing all the Links:

5.3.3 Cookie Testing:

Cookies are small fles stored on a user machine that are basically used to maintain the
sessions such as the ‘login sessions’. Test the website to verify

5.3.4 Validation (HTML/CSS):

HTML/CSS validation is very important for optimizing the website for
search engines.

5.3.5 Database Testing

Check for data integrity and errors while you edit, delete, modify the forms or do any database related functionality.
Check if all the database queries are executing correctly and data is retrieved correctly and also updated correctly.
Also we need to validate the Database by executing the queries. Comp

5.4. API Testing

Set of procedures to verify the expected functionality, reliability, and security and ensure
the correct interaction between backend and frontend. To validate the logic of the build
architecture within a short amount of time. Each api test consists of some test actions
mentioned below. Further details of API Testing will be covered in API Test Plan

5.6. Usability Testing:

The goals of usability testing include establishing a baseline of user performance, establishing and validating user performance measures, and identifying potential design concerns to be addressed in order to improve the effciency, productivity, and end-user satisfaction.
The usability test objectives are:

To determine design inconsistencies and usability problem areas within the user interface and content areas.

Potential sources of error may include:
Basic Usability:

5.7. Compatibility Testing:

5.7.1 Browser compatibility

Some requirements are very dependent on browsers. Different browsers have different confgurations and settings that the web page should be compatible with. The web site coding should be cross browser platform compatible. Test the UI of website, functionality, security checks or validations then stresses browser compatibility testing of the web application. Test web application on different browsers like Internet explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Netscape navigator, AOL, Safari, Opera browsers with different versions

5.7.2 OS compatibility:

Some functionality in the web application may not be compatible with all operating systems. All new technologies used in web development like graphics designs, interface calls like different API’s may not be available in all Operating Systems. Testing the web application on different operating systems like Windows, Unix, MAC, Linux, Solaris with different OS favors.

5.7.3. Mobile browsing:

Mobile browsing is also an integral part of browsing. Testing the web pages on mobile browsers is highly important. Compatibility issues may be there on mobile. Currently ,the system is not designed for mobile browsing, although this is an area we can add in future.

5.8. Performance testing:

Website should sustain heavy load. website performance testing should include: Load
Testing & Web Stress Testing. Test the website on different Internet connection speeds.

5.8.1. Load Testing:

Test website if many users are accessing or requesting the same page. Can the system sustain peak load times? Site should handle many simultaneous user requests, large input data from users, Simultaneous connection to DB, heavy load on specifc pages etc. For load testing we will use blazemeter and robot scripts.

5.8.2. Stress Testing:

Generally stress means stretching the system beyond its specifcation limits. Web stress testing is performed to break the site by giving stress and check how the system reacts to stress and how the system recovers from crashes. Stress is generally given on input felds, login and sign-up areas. In website performance testing website functionality on different operating systems, different hardware platforms are checked for software, hardware memory leakage errors. For stress testing we will use jmeter and blazemeter.

5.9. Security Testing:

Test by pasting the internal URL directly into the browser address bar without login. Internal pages should not open.

If you are logged in using a username and password and browsing internal pages then try changing URL options directly. I.e. while checking website Try directly changing the URL site ID parameter to a different site ID, which is not related to, logged in user. Access should be denied for this user to view others’ stats.
Try some invalid inputs in input felds like login username, password, and input text boxes. Check the system reaction on all invalid inputs.
Web directories or fles should not be accessible directly unless given download option.
Inspect the pages and verify Elements, Console and Sources.
Test the CAPTCHA for automated script logins.
Test if SSL is used for security measures. If used proper message should get displayed when the user switches from non-secure http:// pages to secure
https:// pages and vice versa. All transactions, error messages, security breach attempts should get logged-in log fles somewhere on the web server.

Check the security points while the communication between frontend and backend.

It may includes:
User IP
Furthermore we will use Zap for security testing. It is an end-to-end web application security scanner. This will give us a 360-degree view of the security of our website. It is important to have an understanding of how the client (browser) and the server communicate using HTTP. the tester should at least know the basics of SQL injection and XSS.

Automation Testing:

5.10. Automation Testing:

Automate all the implemented functinlaities of the website . Creation of the automation test cases. Details of Automation testing will be discussed and covered inside the Test Plan of automation testing.

5.11. Smoke Testing:

Smoke Testing is a software testing process that determines whether the deployed software build is stable or not. Insid the smoke testing QA Engineer will make sure all the critical functionalities are working fne. We will create a checklist of smoke testing.
Smoke testing will be performed at two stages. Once new features are added, the other is before fnalizing the build for Production/live.
Create the checklist for smoke testing.

5.12. Beta Testing

Beta testing is basically a relase for specifc users to use a product in a production environment to uncover any bugs or issues before a general release.
Beta testing is the fnal round of testing before releasing a product to a wide audience. The objective is to uncover as many bugs or usability issues as possible in this controlled setting. QA will also a perfrom the beta Testing.

6. Test Strategy

The overall strategy of this testing initiative is manual, black box testing. We are testing the data, interface part and mplemented system in detail. The testing at the SAP end of the interface will be covered by the SAP functional testing. Follow the testing phases and techniques mentioned inside “Detailed Test Approach”. All type of testing are covered in this document. Some of the test specifcations use test data which needs to be set-up in the test environment prior to executing the test cases.
For each level of testing, a separate test plan is prepared with the following set of deliverables:

Test Schdeule

The test schedule is the timeline of acceptance testing activities and deliverable dates.Testing activities are mentioned below. 

Problem/Bug Severity Classifcation:

The identifed severity for each problem implies a general reward for resolving it, and a
general risk for not addressing it, in the current release.
Severity 1 – Crash or High impact problems that often prevent a user/host from correctly completing an experience/booking.
Severity 2 – Moderate to high frequency problems with the functionality/UI or UX impact
Severity 3 – Either moderate problems with low frequency or low problems with moderate frequency; these are minor annoyance problems faced by a number of participants.
Severity 4 – Low impact problems faced by few participants; there is low risk of not resolving these problems. Reward for resolution is typically exhibited in increased user satisfaction.

9. Test Resources

Here is the list of resources with the roles those will work on website

10. Pass/Fail Criteria:

Create the test cases and mention the expected results/pass criteria against each testcase.

11. Environment

Start testing on a staging server once a certain level is achieved, then move to Production and give the fnal approval at Production. All the experiments should be performed at staging. Testing data must be private at Production.

12. Test Cases and Test Scenarios

Write down the detailed test cases on the basis of requirement, technical doecument and test plan. For testcases use the Google sheet and use the Jira for bug, suggestion reporting.

13. Tools and defect Tracking

Jira wil be used for defect reporting and issue bugs/defects management and

14. Final Test Report

Test closure reports shall be generated for each testing phase as the testing phase gets completed.

15. Exit Criteria

All the test cases and test scenarios must be passed. Every user must get the music recommendation as per their interests