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Naming Standards and Comments

Difference between WriteLine and Write method in C#?

C# Naming Standards

There are following three terminologies being used to declare C# and .NET naming standards:

C# Comments

Comments Syntax in C#:

Use // for Single line comments

Use /* ……
*/ for Multiple lines comments

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

internal class Program
static void Main()

/*Console.Write("First C# Program - Line 1");
Console.Write(" First C# Program - Line 2");
Console.Write(" First C# Program - Line 3"); */
Console.WriteLine("First C# Program - Line 4");
Console.WriteLine(" First C# Program - Line 5"); //C# sinle line Comments
//Console.WriteLine(" First C# Program - Line 6");
